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14. What is the S&P Rating? What is a credit ratingMoody's, Fitch, S&PEvaluate the ability of municipal or a company to pay backWhat does a rating tell me about riskLooking at the statistics, the risks of not paid back from BBB muni. and AAA company are the sameThink in statistics, yourself.Don't get swung by others 2024. 7. 5.
13. What is Inflation? What is InflationHow and why does the government inflate the currencyWHY?A moderate amount of inflation protects the country from deep recessions / depressionsIt serves as an indirect form of taxationHOW?The FED increases the money supplyReserve ratio. 1/Reserve ratio = multiplier to the base moneyHow does inflation affect bonds and stocksBondActual Bond Yield = Bond Value - Inflation RateTIPS =.. 2024. 7. 5.
12. What is Financial Risk Risk Vs RewardRisk: You'll loose all or some of your moneyReward: You'll make a lot of money that you didn't have to work forWhat is the baseline value for risk and reward10 year, U.S. Federal Note is the baseline investment value. This is our benchmark and it changes everyday.What causes financial risks in a businessExcessive DebtCompanies incur debt because they want to speed up timeThey can o.. 2024. 7. 5.
10 & 11. Market Crashes and Bubbles; FED 10. Stock Market Crashes and Market BubblesUnderstand Fear and Greed CyclesWarren Buffett's opinion on Market PsychologyAccumulating Shares versus Trading Shares11. What is the FEDWhat is the FED?What is the mission of the FED?Maximize employment and stabilize pricesSupervise and regulate banksMaintain the stability of the Financial systemService debts for the US. Federal GovernmentHow does the .. 2024. 7. 5.
9. What is the Stock Market? What is a stock market?How does the stock market work?Sellers > Buyers: Buyers MarketSellers What is a limit and stop order?Market order is an order that doesn't care about the price but buy/sell shares.Stop order: Transaction happens once, so the price you set is not the same if you sell them to more than one buyers. For example, selling 100 shares, you could sell it at $65 for the first 10 sha.. 2024. 7. 5.
8. How do you value a bond and yield to maturity? Simple InterestSimple interest = # of coupons * coupon payment$1,500 = 60 * $25Coupon yield is set when a bond is issued. It is the annual coupon divided by the par value.Coupon Yield = 1 year coupon payments / Par Value5% = $50 / $1,000Compound InterestCompound interest is a return when you keep reinvesting the coupon every time you the money.Current YieldCurrent Yield is the annual coupon divi.. 2024. 7. 5.
7. What are the components of a bond? What is Par ValuePar value, also known as face value or nominal value, is the amount printed on the bond certificate. It represents the principal amount that will be paid to the bondholder at maturity.What is a CouponA coupon is the annual interest rate paid on a bond, expressed as a percentage of the bond's par value. The term comes from the physical coupons that bondholders once had to redeem .. 2024. 7. 3.
6. What is a bond? What is a Bond?Nothing more than a loan.Who uses bonds?Corporation, GovernmentBond RisksCompany or Government FailureInterest Rates ChangeInflationProvided corporate liquidations/failure, the order of equity distribution:Bond holdersPreferred share holdersCommon share holdersWhy is bond investing lucrativeBefore market crashed in around 2008, 30 year federal bond rate had been 5.00% and DJI's av.. 2024. 7. 3.
5. Warren Buffett Stock Basics Warren Buffett's 4 rules for buying stocksA stock must be stable and understandableA stock must have long term prospectsA stock must be managed by vigilant leadersA stock must be undervaluedA Warren Buffett valuation techniqueMarket Price: $10Earnings: $2 (Potential returns)Book Value: $.70 (Margin of safety)P/E = $10/$2 = 5Returns = 20%P/BV = $10/$0.70 = 14.3Every 14.3 dollars paid for this com.. 2024. 7. 3.
4. What is a Share What is a share?A portion of the whole business divided into a certain amount of pieces.What is Shares Outstanding?The number of pieces that the company has divided up into.Comparing terminology between a whole business and 1 shareWhole BusinessMarket Price: $100,000Income Statement: Net Income of $20,000Balance Sheet: Equity of $7,000Cash Flow Statement: Taught in course 21 ShareShares outstand.. 2024. 7. 3.
3. What is a Balance Sheet & Margin of Safety Understand the importance of a balance sheetIncome Statement, used to find the company profit, details out the net income or earnings.On the other hand, we can use the balance sheet to determine the margin of safety that you'd get if you were to purchase the business.To understand the concept of balance sheet, ask this question: what would happen if the business would liquidate right now?How to .. 2024. 7. 3.
2. Value A Small Business Describe a small business modelThe owner (outside)The businessThe customerHow money flows through a small businessTotal revenue (from customer) - Cost of revenue - Taxes = Net Income or Earnings (Net Income / # Shares)Owners can decide two things:Put money into the owner's pocket (dividends)Or, keep the money in the business (stacking the equity)A comparison of a small and large businessIn large.. 2024. 7. 3.
1. What is Value Investing? The difference between value trading and value investingThe difference between value trading and value investing is that value trading involves exchanging items for those with higher values, while value investing entails holding an item or asset that grows in value over time.The difference between an asset and liabilityAsset: something that put money into your pockete.g.: apartment building (hou.. 2024. 7. 3.
제 3자의 말을 듣지 말고 당사자의 말을 듣자 https://www.youtube.com/live/oMIRoYg4GhA?si=IhL0ShNyeNvL216h&t=4061 이번 100분 토론이 상당히 바이럴 되어서 봤다. 역시 뉴스에서 보여주는 1~2분 클립 가지고는 편협한 생각을 할 수밖에 없겠다는 생각에 전체를 쭉 봤다. 내가 유시민 작가를 좋아하는 편은 아니다. 그렇지만 그는 생각하는 사람임에는 틀림없다는 것이 나의 생각이고 1:07:40 쯤에 나온 그의 말 "모든 뉴스를 의심하시라, 그리고 당사자들의 얘기를 더 많이 들어보시라"이 대단히 공감되었다. 그 사람의 말을 직접 들어봐야 진심을 알 수 있고 1:1로 교감할 수 있다고 생각한다. 뉴스는 다른 사람들과 해당 토픽을 가볍게 나누기에는 좋지만 의사결정을 내리기엔 너무나도 얄팍하다. 앞으로도 이런.. 2024. 4. 4.
잡소리 1 - 애플 매수할까 말까 주의: 제목에도 적어두었지만, 이 글은 팩트와 나의 뇌피셜을 교묘하게 짜깁기 해놓은, 나의 생각을 정리하는 글이라고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 절대 나의 의견을 듣고 따라 할 생각은 하지 않았으면 좋겠다. 현명한 독자라면 응당 그럴 것이라 믿어 의심치 않는다! 애플 주식 가격이 YTD로 봤을 때 많이 떨어졌다. PER도 현재 26정도로 예전에 비하면 많이 떨어졌다고 볼 수 있겠다. 요즘 애플 관련 가십거리 중 대표적으로는 애플이 현재 미 법무부에게 반독점 소송에 걸린 점과 팀쿡의 책임을 묻는 상황 거기에 중국 내 애플 매출이 24%로 감소했다는 점을 볼 수 있겠다. 중국 관련해서는 아무래도 지금 중국 경제가 좋지 않은 상황에 중국 특유의 애국 소비 심리까지 겹쳐서 미국 기업인 애플에 타격이 가는 거 아닌가 싶.. 2024. 4. 3.